IBM Cloud Docs
Creating a Private Path service

Creating a Private Path service

The beta release of IBM Cloud Private Path services is only available to allowlisted users. Contact your IBM Support representative if you are interested in getting early access to this beta offering.

As a service provider, you are responsible for managing your consumer account IDs. Currently, tracking or validating account IDs is not supported. For more information, see Responsibilities for managing consumer account IDs.

Private Path services for VPC enable service providers to create and manage private connectivity for hosted IBM Cloud and third-party services and applications.

Before you begin

Before you create a Private Path service, review the following prerequisites:

  • Review Private Path service limitations for known limitations.
  • Make sure that you have a VPC and at least one subnet in the selected VPC. Learn more.
  • Create a Private Path network load balancer. You can create your load balancer while provisioning your Private Path service here, or you can use the Load balancer for VPC console.

You must use the same VPC region for both your load balancer and Private Path service.

You can create an IBM Cloud® Private Path service using the UI, CLI, or API.

Creating a Private Path service in the UI

To create a Private Path service with the IBM Cloud console, follow these steps:

  1. From your browser, open the IBM Cloud console and log in to your account.

  2. Select the Menu icon Menu icon, then click VPC Infrastructure.

  3. Click Private Path services in the Network section.

  4. Click Create + on the Private Path services for VPC table.

  5. Review the checklist for important information.

  6. In the Location section, ensure that the following fields are correct. If not, click the Edit icon Edit icon to update.

    • Geography: The general area where you want to create the Private Path service.
    • Region: The region where you want to create the Private Path service.
  7. In the Details section, provide the following information:

    • Name: Enter a unique identifier for the Private Path service, such as my-privatepath-service.
    • Resource group: Select a resource group, if necessary.
    • Tags: Optionally, add any relevant tags to help group your Private Path services.
    • Access management tags: Optionally, add access management tags to resources to help organize access control relationships. The only supported format for access management tags is key:value. For more information, see Controlling access to resources by using tags.
    • Virtual private cloud: Select the VPC where you want the Private Path service created.
  8. In the Private Path network load balancer section, select a Private Path NLB for the Private Path service, or click Create + to create one. To create a Private Path NLB, follow these steps:

    Click Next to go to the next step, or use the navigation menu on the left to go back to a specific section.

    1. In the Define details section, provide the following information:

      • Name: Enter a unique identifier for the Private Path NLB, such as my-privatepath-service.
      • Resource group: Select a resource group for the Private Path NLB.
      • Tags: Optionally, add any relevant tags to help group your Private Path NLBs.
      • Subnet: Select the subnet where you want the Private Path NLB created.
    2. In the Create back-end pool section:

      • Name: Enter a unique identifier for the Private Path NLB, such as my-ppnlb.

      • Select the method, which is the load-balancing algorithm. The follow options are shown.

        • Round robin - Forwards requests to each instance in turn. All instances receive approximately an equal number of client connections.
        • Weighted round robin - Forwards requests to each instance in proportion to its assigned weight. For example, if you have instances A, B, and C, and their weights are set to 60, 60 and 30, then instances A and B receive an equal number of connections, and instance C receives half as many connections.

        In the Health check section:

        • Health check path - The health check path is applicable only if you select HTTP as the health check protocol. The health check path specifies the URL used by the load balancer to send the HTTP health check requests to the instances in the pool. By default, health checks are sent to the root path (/).
        • Health protocol - The protocol used by the load balancer to send health check messages to the instances in the pool.
        • Health port - The port on which to the load balancer sends health check requests. By default, health checks are sent on the same port on which traffic is sent to the instance.
        • Interval - The interval in seconds between two consecutive health check attempts. By default, health checks are sent every 5 seconds.
        • Timeout - The maximum amount of time the system waits for a response from a health check request. By default, the load balancer waits 2 seconds for a response.
        • Max retries - The maximum number of health check attempts that the load balancer makes before an instance is declared unhealthy. By default, an instance is no longer considered healthy after two failed health checks.

        Although the load balancer stops sending connections to unhealthy instances, it continues monitoring the health of these instances and resumes their use if they're found healthy again (that is, if they successfully pass two consecutive health check attempts).

      If instances in the pool are unhealthy and you believe that your application is working correctly, double check the health protocol and health path values. Also, check any security groups that are attached to the instances to ensure that the rules allow traffic between the load balancer and the instances.

      • Click Save. Repeat this step if you want to create another back-end pool.
    3. In the Attach servers section:

      • Back-end pool: Select the back-end pool where you want to attach servers.
      • Subnet: Select the subnets that you want to attach. Search for specific subnets in the table, and check the box beside the subnets that you want to attach. In the Port column, enter a port number for each subnet you select.
    4. In the Front-end listener section, select the back-end pool where you want to attach your front-end listener. Then, select the listener port value and click Save. Repeat this step if you want to create another front-end listener.

    5. In the Review section, confirm that the information you submitted is correct. Review the order summary, then click Create.

      It takes several minutes for your Private Path NLB to be created. When the load balancer is created, its status changes from Creating to Active in the table.

  9. In the Service endpoint section, provide a name for the service endpoint where you want to connect your Private Path service. Then, select to enable or disable zonal affinity for the service endpoint. When zonal affinity is enabled, the endpoint maintains persistence to the zone after the connection is created.

  10. In the Account policies section:

    • The default policy is set to review and triage each incoming connection request. You can change the default policy to permit or deny all requests without review.
    • To establish account policies that are different than the default policy, click the Create policy + tab. Provide the account ID of the account for which you want to set up a policy, and select a request policy for the account. Then, create a unique name for this account's policy.

    Individual account policies take precedence over the default policy.

  11. Review the summary panel, then click Create to order your Private Path service.

    When provisioning completes, the Private Path service status indicates Stable in the Private Path services for VPC table.

Creating a Private Path service from the CLI

The following example shows how to use the CLI to create a Private Path service.

Before you begin, make sure to set up your CLI environment.

You must first export the feature flag to use the CLI for Private Path beta release offerings.

To export the feature flag, enter the following commands:


To create a Private Path service from the CLI, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the following command:
ibmcloud is private-path-service-gateway-create
    [--load balancer LOAD_BALANCER]
    [--service-endpoints SERVICE_ENDPOINTS]
    [--default-access-policy | deny | permit | review]
    [--name NAME]
    [--zonal-affinity | true | false]
    [--output JSON] [-q, --quiet]


Indicates ID or name of load balancer for this Private Path service.
Indicates the fully qualified domain names for this Private Path service. Any uppercase letters will be converted to lowercase.
Indicates the policy to use for bindings from accounts without an explicit account policy. One of: deny, permit, review. (default: deny).
Indicates the name for this Private Path service.
indicates whether this Private Path service has zonal affinity. One of: false, true.
specify output format, only JSON is supported. One of: JSON.
-q, --quiet
suppress verbose output.

Command examples

  • Create a policy-based Private Path service with a permit policy and zonal affinity: ibmcloud is private-path-service-gateway-create --load-balancer my-cli-nlb --service-endpoints --default-access-policy permit --name cli-ppsg-1 --zonal-affinity true

  • Create a policy-based Private Path service with a deny policy and zonal affinity: ibmcloud is private-path-service-gateway-create --load-balancer r006-d-439744e1-81d7-43fb-95d5-2356774240bb --service-endpoints --default-access-policy deny --name cli-ppsg-2 --zonal-affinity true

Creating a Private Path service with the API

To create a Private Path service with the API, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your API environment.

  2. Store the following values in variables to be used in the API command:

    • loadBalancerId - First, get your load balancer and then populate the variable:

      export loadBalancerId=<your_loadbalancer_id>
  3. When all variables are initiated, do one of the following:

    • To create a Private Path service:

      curl -X POST -sH "Authorization:${iam_token}" \
      "$vpc_api_endpoint/v1/private_path_service_gateways?version=$api_version&generation=2" \
      -d {
        "default_access_policy": "review",
        "load_balancer": {
          "id": "$loadBalancerId"
        "name": "my-ppsg",
        "service_endpoints": [""],
        "zonal_affinity": false

Next steps

  1. Verify connectivity to your Private Path service
  2. Publish your Private Path service
  3. Communicate connection information to consumers
  4. Review connection requests and Create account policies