IBM Cloud Docs
Getting started with Stock images on VPC

Getting started with Stock images on VPC

When you provision IBM Cloud® Virtual Servers for Virtual Private Cloud on x86 architecture, you can select from the supported virtual server operating system stock images, the virtual server operating system bundle stock image, or a custom image that you import from IBM Cloud Object Storage. The image that you select determines the operating system that is provisioned for your instance. If the image you select is a virtual server operating system bundle stock image, the software that is part of that bundle is also included in your instance.

In IBM Cloud console, go to Navigation Menu iconmenu icon > VPC Infrastructure VPC icon > Compute > Images.

There are 3 different types of images for VPC.

Images on VPC - Stock images

When you provision a virtual server on your VPC, you need to select an image to determine the operating system for the server. The following are the virtual server operating system stock images available when you create a virtual server.

All available stock images can be found in Navigation Menu iconmenu icon > VPC Infrastructure VPC icon > Compute > Images > Stock images.

When you use an IBM stock image, you must apply the latest security patches and updates provided by the operating system vendor. After you provision a virtual server, it is your responsibility to continue to regularly perform package updates for the operating system.

To create a virtual server using a stock image, see one of the following: