IBM Cloud Docs
About Reservations for VPC

About Reservations for VPC

IBM Cloud® Reservations are a great option when you want significant cost savings and guaranteed resources for future deployments. You can choose a 1 or 3-year term, server quantity, specific profile, and provision those servers when needed.

Reservations offer many advantages, including the following benefits:

Table 1. Benefits of IBM Cloud Reservations
Benefit Description
Cost savings Save up to 60% by choosing a 1 or 3-year term compared to on-demand virtual server billing cycles.
Guaranteed capacity Your servers are there when you need them. IBM Cloud® Reservations are guaranteed capacity within the availability zone and data center of your choice for the life of your committed term.
Predictable management Accurately plan for the future and define your budgeting roadmap with reserved capacity for 1-year or 3-year terms. Your reserved pricing is a fixed discount rate that is applied to the corresponding virtual server profile on-demand rates that are listed in the IBM Cloud® portal.
Flexibility in deployment Convert any existing on-demand virtual server to IBM Cloud® Reservation billing. Attach or detach any compatible virtual server to your reservation.

Supported profiles

The following x86 profiles for virtual servers are available when you provision a reservation in all ten available MZRs.

  • bx2 profiles
  • bx2d profiles
  • cx2 profiles
  • cx2d profiles
  • mx2 profiles
  • mx2d profiles
  • ux2d profiles
  • vx2d profiles

The following profiles are available in specific MZRs.

  • bx2a profiles are available in Toronto only.
  • bx3d, cx3d, and mx3d profiles are available in Dallas, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Toronto, and Washington DC.
  • gx2 profiles are available in all regions except Madrid.
  • ox2 profiles are available in Dallas, Frankfurt, London, Osaka, Tokyo, and Washington DC.

For more information about profiles, see x86-64 instance profiles.


Consider the following limitations before you provision a reservation and provision a virtual server within that reservation.

  • You can't resize a virtual server that's in a reservation.
  • Reservations comply with the VPC quotas and service limits. For more information, see Quotas and service limits.
  • SGX isn't supported.


When your reservation is complete, a confirmation message is sent.

You receive a notification before the end of the term of your reservation. From here, you can decide whether to renew your reservation or cancel.

If Auto-renew is selected when you provision a reservation, your reservation automatically renews when it expires.

Next steps

After you review and decided on your options, you're ready to provision your reservation. For more information, Provisioning a reservation for VPC.