IBM Cloud Docs
Checklist for selling deployable architectures on IBM Cloud

Checklist for selling deployable architectures on IBM Cloud

Use the following checklist to track all the tasks that are required to successfully onboard and sell your third-party deployable architecture on IBM Cloud®.

Register your product

The following tasks can be completed by a team member who is familiar with the business case for the product.

Table 1. Getting started tasks for selling deployable architectures
Task Description
Checkbox icon Provide your company and product details Specify the names of your company and product.
Checkbox icon Create a test environment The test environment is used to onboard your deployable architecture and validate that it is ready for use.
Checkbox icon Assign team access With the correct IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) access, members of your team can help onboard your deployable architecture.
Checkbox icon Invite team members to your account Members of your account are assigned the IAM access that you set up in the previous task.
Checkbox icon Confirm your legal agreement with IBM Review and accept the IBM Digital Reseller Agreement, or upload your custom digital provider agreement to be reviewed and approved by IBM.

For more information, see Getting set up to sell deployable architectures.

Tell us about your product

The following tasks can be completed by a team member who is familiar with the business case, marketing details, and customer support experience for the product.

Table 2. Tasks for defining deployable architecture details
Task Description
Checkbox icon Review display name Review the display name of the product that was generated for you and make any updates to it if needed.
Checkbox icon Verify your partner details Review your company and team details and make sure that everything is correct.
Checkbox icon Define your product details Add details, such as your product logo, keywords, description, features, and documentation URL, for your product's entry and details page in the IBM Cloud catalog.
Checkbox icon Define your support details Provide your support site URL, contacts, escalation process, and the locations where your support teams are based.

For more information, see the following documentation:

Onboard your product

The following tasks can be completed by a technical team member.

Table 3. Tasks for onboarding deployable architectures
Task Description
Checkbox icon Add deployable architecture variations Add variations of your architecture to provide options within your catalog tile that addresses the common business problem that your deployable architecture solves.
Checkbox icon Configure deployable architecture version Confirm your version details and add deployment values for your version.
Checkbox icon Add deployable architecture details Add architecture diagrams and highlights for your deployable architecture.
Checkbox icon Review your readme file Review how the information in the readme file displays for your users.
Checkbox icon Validate deployable architecture version Validate that the deployable architecture version can be deployed to the intended target.
Checkbox icon Review your estimated resource costs Review the estimated starting cost of the resources that your deployable architecture creates.

For more information, see the following documentation:

Publish your product

The following tasks can be completed by any member of your team.

Table 4. Tasks for publishing your deployable architecture
Task Description
Checkbox icon Verify that all tasks are completed Confirm that you completed the getting started tasks, defined your deployable architecture details, and onboarded your deployable architecture.
Checkbox icon Request to publish your deployable architecture Submit a request for IBM Cloud to review your product details and approve that it is ready for publishing.
Checkbox icon Publish your deployable architecture After your publishing request is approved, publish your deployable architecture to the IBM Cloud catalog.

For more information, see Publishing your deployable architecture.

As a third-party provider, you're responsible for maintaining all assets of published deployable architecture in the IBM Cloud catalog and deprecating outdated versions.