IBM Cloud Docs
Service locations and endpoints

Service locations and endpoints

Review the IBM Cloud Schematics supported locations and how Schematics differentiates between the user data and template storage location, and the deployment region of your IBM Cloud® resources.

Where can I create and run Schematics workspaces?

You can choose to create a Schematics workspace in the US or Europe geographies by using one of the following API endpoints, or by using the Location drop-down menu in the IBM Cloud console.

For more information about the Schematics private service endpoint, see Using private endpoints.

Where do my Schematics actions run?

The location that you choose for your Schematics workspace determines the location where your Schematics jobs, such plan or apply, run.

Regions where an action is?
Geography/ location Location to run Schematics actions
North America Schematics jobs run in either the us-south or us-east location.
Dallas Schematics jobs run in the us-south location.
Washington Schematics jobs run in the us-east location.
Europe Schematics jobs run in either the eu-de or eu-gb location.
Frankfurt Schematics jobs run in the eu-de location.
London Schematics jobs run in the eu-gb location.

Where is my Schematics and template data stored?

The region your workspace data is stored is determined by the location where you create your workspace. For more information, see Securing your data.

Where are my IBM Cloud resources provisioned?

The region or regions where your IBM Cloud resources are provisioned are determined by the region that you specify in your Terraform configuration. You can specify a region for each individual resource, or to specify a region in the provider block of your Terraform configuration that is applied to all resources. Multiple regions are supported by using provider aliases. For more information, see Terraform provider block configuration.