IBM Cloud Docs
Why are my nodes failing to register using Azure File or Azure Disk storage templates?

Why are my nodes failing to register using Azure File or Azure Disk storage templates?

Your worker nodes are failing to register when creating an Azure Disk or Azure File storage configuration.

If you manually assigned your Azure hosts to your location and did not use an automated deployment such as deploying from the console or a Terraform template, then you must label your worker nodes before creating your storage configuration. If your nodes are failing to register when creating a Azure Disk or Azure File Satellite storage configuration, verify that your worker nodes are labeled with the proper zone. Follow the steps to verify that your worker nodes have the proper labels:

    1. Log in to the IBM Cloud CLI.
    ibmcloud login
  1. List your Satellite locations and note the Managed from column.

    ibmcloud sat location ls
  2. Target the Managed from region of your Satellite location. For example, for wdc target us-east. For more information, see Satellite regions.

    ibmcloud target -r us-east
  3. If you use a resource group other than default, target it.

    ibmcloud target -g <resource-group>
  4. List your Azure worker nodes and make a note of the name of each node.

    oc get nodes
  5. Get the details of each node and make a note of the zone that the node is in. For example: eastus-1.

    oc get nodes NODE-NAME -o yaml | grep zone
  6. Label your Azure worker nodes with the zone value that you retrieved earlier. Replace <node_name> and <zone> with the node name and zone of your worker nodes. For example, if you have a worker node in zone: eastus-1, use the following commands to add eastus-1 as a label to the worker node in the eastus-1 zone.

    oc label node <node_name>
    oc label node <node_name><zone> --overwrite
  7. Repeat the previous steps for each worker node.