IBM Cloud Docs
Why is my agent not showing up in the list of Active Agents?

Why is my agent not showing up in the list of Active Agents?

My agent is running but it does not show up in the list of Active Agents in the UI.

This can be caused by several reasons. Check the following list to determine the cause.

  • There is a small delay (approximately 2 minutes) before a running Connector agent shows up in the list. Ensure you’ve waited long enough for the Connector agent to show up in the list.

  • Make sure the Connector ID your agent is using matches the Connector ID you are connecting to.

  • Make sure the API Key is valid and has the correct permissions to the Connector instance.

  • Check the logs of the agent to determine if there are any errors.

  • Make sure the region specified for your Connector is accurate and matches one of the values in Supported IBM Cloud regions.