IBM Cloud Docs
Debugging storage

Debugging storage

Complete the following steps to debug your Satellite storage configurations.

Log in to your cluster

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud CLI.

    ibmcloud login
  2. List your Satellite locations and note the Managed from column.

    ibmcloud sat location ls
  3. Target the Managed from region of your Satellite location. For example, for wdc target us-east. For more information, see Satellite regions.

    ibmcloud target -r us-east
  4. If you use a resource group other than default, target it.

    ibmcloud target -g <resource-group>
  5. Access your Satellite cluster.

Get your configuration details

  1. List your storage configurations.
    ibmcloud sat storage config ls
  2. Get the details of the storage configuration you wish to troubleshoot and take note of the storage-template-version field.
    ibmcloud sat storage config get --config <CONFIG_NAME> --json
  3. List your storage assignments.
    ibmcloud sat storage assignment ls
  4. Get the details of the storage assignment that uses your configuration and check that the version field matches your configuration version.
    ibmcloud sat storage assignment get --assignment <ASSINGMENT_ID> --json
  5. If the storage-template-version and your assignment version do not match, upgrade the storage assignment.
    ibmcloud sat storage assignment upgrade --assignment <ASSIGNMENT_ID>

Gather the mustachetemplate-controller pod logs

  1. List the pods in the razeedeploy namespace.
    oc get pods -n razeedeploy
  2. Get the mustachetemplate-controller pod logs and check for any configuration or assignment creation errors.
    oc logs mustachetemplate-controller-xxx-xxx -n razeedeploy

Get the storage driver pod logs

Note that the namespaces and pod names are template specific. Te verify these details, refer to the storage template page that you are using in your cluster.

  1. Get the storage driver pods from the namespace where they are deployed.
    oc get pods -n kube-system | grep POD-NAME
  2. Get the storage driver pod logs.

Get the storage class details

  1. Get the storage class details for your template.
    oc get sc

Get the details of your persistent volume claims

  1. If you deployed apps that use storage, list your PVCs.

    oc get pvc
    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    my-pvc                              1/1     Running   0          2m58s

Get the pod logs for your app

  1. Get a list of your app pods.
    oc get pods -n NAMESPACE
  2. Get the logs for the pod you want to troubleshoot.
    oc logs POD -n NAMESPACE

Review the details

Review the error messages, logs, and details of your configurations and troubleshoot. Review the troubleshooting documentation for further debugging steps.

Contact Support

If the issue persists, open a support case. In the case details, be sure to include any relevant log files, error messages, or command outputs.