IBM Cloud Docs
Reviewing resources that are managed by Satellite Config

Reviewing resources that are managed by Satellite Config

You can use Satellite Config to review the Kubernetes resources that run in your registered clusters.

Before you begin, make sure that you have the required permissions. For more information, see Checking user permissions.

Enabling Watch-keeper collection methods

Review the Watch-keeper collection methods to decide how to set up Watch-keeper for your resources. Common use cases include,

Watch all the resources that my Satellite subscription creates

  1. Add a ConfigMap to the YAML file of your Satellite configuration version.
  2. In the metadata.namespace field of the ConfigMap, set the value to razeedeploy.
  3. In the data section of the ConfigMap, add all the resources that you want Satellite Config to watch.
  4. Subscribe your clusters to this version from the console or CLI.

Watch a particular resource in my Satellite Config version

  1. In the metadata.labels field of the Kubernetes resource in your Satellite Config version, set the value to razee/watch-resource=lite.
  2. Subscribe your clusters to this version from the console or CLI.

Watch a particular resource that I label in my cluster

  1. Access your Satellite cluster.

  2. Individually label the resource that you want Satellite Config to watch. For example, the following command watches a deployment that is called nginx.

    kubectl label deployment nginx razee/watch-resource=lite

After you enable Watch-keeper for a resource, wait about an hour for the resources to display.

Review the resources from Satellite Config

Reviewing resources from the console

You can review resources in several areas in the console as follows.

Reviewing resources with the CLI

Review resources with the CLI.

Use the ibmcloud sat resource ls command and its options to list resources. To view the details of a particular resource, use the ibmcloud sat resource get command.