IBM Cloud Docs
Removing Satellite Config from your cluster

Removing Satellite Config from your cluster

If you do not want your cluster to be available to Satellite Config, you can remove the Satellite Config components from your cluster.

You can remove Satellite Config components from only Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud clusters that you manually registered. If you created a cluster on Satellite-provided infrastructure, Satellite Config components are automatically set up in the location control plane and cannot be removed.

Removing Satellite Config components automatically removes all cluster resources that you created by using Satellite configurations. Make sure to back up any data or redeploy any apps that you want to keep.

  1. Log in to your Red Hat OpenShift cluster.
  2. Remove all the Satellite Config components from your cluster by running a Satellite Config removal job.
    oc apply -f
  3. Wait a few minutes for the Satellite Config components to be removed.
  4. Verify that your Satellite Config components are removed.
    oc get pods -n razeedeploy
    Example output
    No resources found.
  5. From the Satellite cluster dashboard, find the cluster that you want to remove from Satellite Config.
  6. From the actions menu, click Unregister and verify that your cluster is removed from the Satellite cluster dashboard.