IBM Cloud Docs
Using IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service on classic to host the dl-reverse-proxy

Using IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service on classic to host the dl-reverse-proxy

Follow these steps to set up the dl-reverse-proxy for IBM Cloud® Direct Link by using IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service on classic.

Create an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster

Create an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster in your IBM Cloud account, which serves as the connection between your Satellite location and IBM Cloud on the private network.

  1. Review the networking basics of clusters. In particular, ensure that you prepare the following:

    • VLAN management (classic clusters only): Manage and choose both a public and private VLAN for your cluster's network connectivity.
    • Subnet routing: Enable a Virtual Router Function (VRF) or VLAN spanning for your IBM Cloud infrastructure account so your worker nodes can communicate with each other on the private network and communicate with private cloud service endpoints internally.
    • IP address schema: Ensure that no subnet conflicts exist between the cluster and your on-premises network.
  2. Review the steps you need to take to prepare to create a cluster.

  3. Create a standard classic cluster or VPC cluster in the CLI. Create the cluster with the following features.

    • Classic clusters:
      • Zone: Any multizone-capable zone
      • Worker node flavor: Any classic infrastructure flavor
      • Network connectivity: Public and private VLANs
      • Worker pool: At least 2 worker nodes
      • Version: 1.20.7 or later
      • Cloud service endpoints: Both public and private endpoints
      • Subnets: Include subnets in the --pod-subnet and --service-subnet options if the default ranges conflict with the Satellite location’s subnet that you set up in your on-premises data center or in a different cloud provider
    • VPC clusters:
      • Zone: Any multizone-capable VPC zone
      • Worker node flavor: Any VPC infrastructure flavor
      • Version: 1.20.7 or later
      • Worker pool: At least 2 worker nodes
      • Subnets: Include subnets in the --pod-subnet and --service-subnet options if the default ranges conflict with the Satellite location’s subnet that you set up in your on-premises data center or in a different cloud provider
      • Cloud service endpoints: Do not specify the --disable-public-service-endpoint option to ensure that both public and private endpoints are created
  4. Spread the default worker pool across zones to increase the availability of your classic or VPC cluster. Ensure that at least 2 worker nodes exist in each zone, so that the private ALBs that you configure in subsequent steps are highly available and can properly receive version updates.

  5. Set the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster as the context for this session.

    ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID>
  6. Create a namespace for the NGINX reverse proxy.

    kubectl create ns dl-reverse-proxy

Set up private Ingress ALBs in the cluster

Set up the private Ingress application load balancers (ALBs) for the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster, which expose the service for an NGINX reverse proxy on the private network. For more information, you can review the considerations for exposing an app in your cluster to the private network only and specific guidance for privately exposing apps with Ingress ALBs.

  1. Verify that at least one ALB with a Type of private exists in each zone.
    ibmcloud ks alb ls -c <cluster_name_or_ID>
  2. Ensure that the private ALBs have a Status of enabled. If they are disabled, run the following command to enable each private ALB.
    ibmcloud ks ingress alb enable classic --alb <ALB_ID> -c <cluster_name_or_ID> --version 0.45.0_1228_iks
  3. Optional: Disable each public ALB.
    ibmcloud ks ingress alb disable classic --alb <ALB_ID> -c <cluster_name_or_ID>
  4. Set up a custom domain for the private ALBs that the NGINX reverse proxy is accessible through, and optionally set up TLS for the domain.
    1. Create a custom domain through your DNS service provider. Your custom domain must be 130 characters or fewer to meet Ingress requirements.
    2. Map your custom domain to the private ALBs by adding their IP addresses as A records (classic clusters) or their VPC hostname as a CNAME (VPC clusters). To find the ALB IP addresses (classic) or hostname (VPC), run ibmcloud ks ingress alb ls -c <cluster_name_or_ID>. Note that in VPC clusters, a hostname is assigned to the ALBs because the 10.X.X.X IP addresses are not static and might change over time.
    3. To use TLS termination, create a secret in the dl-reverse-proxy namespace that contains a TLS certificate for your custom domain. For example, if a TLS certificate is stored in IBM Cloud Certificate Manager that you want to use, you can import its associated secret into your cluster by running the following command. For more information, see Custom domains with Ingress.
      ibmcloud ks ingress secret create --name <secret_name> --cluster <cluster_name_or_ID> --cert-crn <certificate_crn> --namespace dl-reverse-proxy
  5. Define an Ingress resource file that uses your custom domain to route incoming network traffic to an nginxsvc that you create in subsequent steps. Replace <custom_ingress_domain> with the domain that you registered, and <secret_name> with the secret that you created for your domain's TLS certificate.
    kind: Ingress
      name: dl-ingress-resource
      annotations: "private-iks-k8s-nginx" "3600" "3600"
      - hosts:
        - <custom_ingress_domain>
        secretName: <secret_name>
      - host: <custom_ingress_domain>
        - path: /
          pathType: Prefix
              name: nginxsvc
                number: 80
  6. Create the Ingress resource in your cluster.
    kubectl apply -f dl-ingress-resource.yaml -n dl-reverse-proxy

The private Ingress ALBs in your cluster are now configured to expose a reverse proxy service with your custom domain on the IBM Cloud private network.

Deploy an NGINX reverse proxy

Deploy an NGINX reverse proxy in the cluster that is exposed on the private network by the Ingress ALBs, and configure the reverse proxy to point to the Satellite Link tunnel server for your location.

The following steps include editing and using local YAML files to create a ConfigMap, an NGINX deployment, and a service. As an alternative, you can clone an NGINX HTTPS sample repository, such as the https-nginx directory of the kubernetes/examples repository, and push the Docker image to a namespace in IBM Cloud Container Registry. If you use a sample repository, ensure that the NGINX configuration, such as in the default.conf file, includes the server block that is specified in step 2 of this section.

  1. Get the private service endpoint for the Link tunnel server. In the output, look for the Address that is listed for an endpoint of type location.
    ibmcloud sat endpoint ls --location <location_ID>
    In this example output, the tunnel server endpoint is Do not include a port.
    ID                           Name                                            Destination Type   Address
    c1hnscnw0h7i5uf0t8eg_zE6Nx   openshift-api-c1muom3w0kfdne2kb37g              location           TCP
    c1hnscnw0h7i5uf0t8eg_2F3Xo   openshift-api-c2e3ishw0sdo08f5902g              location           TCP
    c1hnscnw0h7i5uf0t8eg_EczUw   satellite-cos-c1hnscnw0h7i5uf0t8eg              cloud              TLS
    c1hnscnw0h7i5uf0t8eg_56zpT   satellite-cosCrossRegion-c1hnscnw0h7i5uf0t8eg   cloud              TLS
  2. Create a ConfigMap for the NGINX reverse proxy and save the file as confnginx.yaml. In the server block, replace <custom_ingress_domain> with the domain that you registered for the private Ingress ALBs and <tunnel_server_ep> with the tunnel server endpoint that you found in step 1.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: confnginx
      nginx.conf: |
        user  nginx;
        worker_processes  1;
        error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;
        events {
            worker_connections  1024;
        http {
          include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
          default_type  application/octet-stream;
          log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                              '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                              '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
          access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;
          sendfile        on;
          keepalive_timeout  65;
          server {
            listen 80;
            server_name <custom_ingress_domain>;
            proxy_connect_timeout 180;
            proxy_send_timeout 180;
            proxy_read_timeout 180;
            location / {
              proxy_pass https://<tunnel_server_ep>;
              proxy_ssl_server_name on;
              proxy_http_version 1.1;
              proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
              proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
  3. Create the ConfigMap in your IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster.
    kubectl apply -f confnginx.yaml -n dl-reverse-proxy
  4. Create a deployment configuration for the NGINX reverse proxy and a service so that the deployment is included in the private Ingress load balancing. Save the file as nginx-app.yaml.
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: nginx
        app: nginx
          app: nginx
      replicas: 2
            app: nginx
            - name: nginx
              image: nginx:alpine
              - containerPort: 80
                - name: nginx-config
                  mountPath: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
                  subPath: nginx.conf
            - name: nginx-config
                name: confnginx
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: nginxsvc
        app: nginx
      type: NodePort
      - port: 80
        protocol: TCP
        name: http
      - port: 443
        protocol: TCP
        name: https
      - port: 8080
        protocol: TCP
        name: tcp
        app: nginx
  5. Create the deployment and service in your IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service cluster.
    kubectl apply -f nginx-app.yaml -n dl-reverse-proxy

The reverse proxy is now configured to terminate incoming connections to your custom Ingress subdomain, open a new connection to the Satellite Link tunnel server, and forward requests to the tunnel server.