IBM Cloud Docs
4.12 version information and update actions

4.12 version information and update actions

Review information about version 4.12 of Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud. This version is based on Kubernetes version 1.25.

Looking for general information about updating clusters, or information on a different version? See Red Hat Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud version information and the version 4.12 blog.

This badge indicates Kubernetes version 1.25 certification for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud
Figure 1. Kubernetes version 1.25 certification badge

Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud is a Certified Kubernetes product for version 1.25 under the CNCF Kubernetes Software Conformance Certification program. Kubernetes® is a registered trademark of The Linux Foundation in the United States and other countries, and is used pursuant to a license from The Linux Foundation.

Release timeline

The following table includes the expected release timeline for version 4.12. You can use this information for planning purposes, such as to estimate the general time that the version might become unsupported.

Dates that are marked with a dagger () are tentative and subject to change.

Release history for Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud version 4.12.
Supported? Red Hat OpenShift / Kubernetes version Release date Unsupported date
Supported 4.12 / 1.25 23 February 2023 26 February 2025

Preparing to update

Review changes that you might need to make when you update a cluster to version 4.12. This information summarizes updates that are likely to have an impact on deployed apps when you update.

Before you update: Review the following list of considerations and limitations before you update your cluster to version 4.11. Some entries are relevant to specific add-ons. To check if you have an add-on enabled in your cluster, run ibmcloud oc cluster addon ls.

Calico BGP password
When you upgrade your cluster to version 4.12, a BGP password is automatically configured for Calico. This might disrupt pod networking for several seconds while the BGP password configuration is applied.

Update before master

The following table shows the actions that you must take before you update the cluster master.

Changes to make before you update the master to Red Hat OpenShift 4.12
Type Description
Unsupported: Deprecated and removed OpenShift features For more information, review the OpenShift version 4.12 deprecated and removed features and Preparing to update to OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 for actions that might be required.
Known OpenShift issues For information on actions that might be required, review the OpenShift version 4.12 known issues.
Pod security admission synchronization If an Operator is installed in a user-created openshift-* namespace, synchronization is turned on by default after a cluster service version (CSV) is created in the namespace. The synchronized label inherits the permissions of the service accounts in the namespace. See Controlling pod security admission synchronization for actions that might be required.
Application updates required for natPortRange changes. If your app requires a larger number of egress network connections from pod-network pods to a destination that is external to the cluster, you might need to make updates. This applies if your app has more than 30,000 egress connections open on a single worker node simultaneously, or over 30,000 egress connections open on a single worker node within a few minutes. For more information, see Why am I running out of SNAT ports for egress connections from pods in my cluster?.
The kubelet modifications that some Cloud Paks make are causing worker nodes to enter Critical when upgrading. For more information, see Why do I see a failed to set feature gates error when upgrading a worker node?.