IBM Cloud Docs
Debugging functions

Debugging functions

Use the troubleshooting tips to learn how to troubleshoot IBM Cloud® Code Engine functions.

Function limits to consider

When you create functions, you must consider the Function limits.

When you work with applications, functions, and batch jobs, these resources run within the context of a Code Engine project. Resource quotas are defined on a per project basis, and limits apply for applications, functions, and batch jobs.

For more information about Code Engine limits, see Limits and quotas for Code Engine.

With the CLI, you can use the ibmcloud ce project get command to display information about limits and current usage. For example,

ibmcloud ce project create --name myproject  

Example output

Getting project 'myproject'...

Name:                                      myproject  
ID:                         abcdabcd-abcd-abcd-abcd-f1de4aab5d5d
Status:                                    active  
Enabled:                                   true  
Application Private Visibility Supported:  true  
Selected:                                  true  
Region:                                    us-south 
Resource Group:             default
Service Binding Service ID: ServiceId-1234abcd-abcd-abcd-1111-1a2b3c4d5e6f
Age:                        52d 
Created:                                   Tue, 28 Sep 2021 05:12:16 -0500  
Updated:                                   Tue, 28 Sep 2021 05:12:19 -0500  

Category                                  Used  Limit  
App revisions                             2    120  
Apps                                      1     40  
Build runs                                1     100  
Builds                                    2     100  
Configmaps                                2     100  
CPU                                       0     128  
Ephemeral storage                         0     512G  
Functions                                 0     20  
Instances (active)                        0     250  
Instances (total)                         0     2500  
Job runs                                 13     100  
Jobs                                      2     100  
Memory                                    0     512G  
Secrets                                   6     100  
Subscriptions (cron)                      0     100  
Subscriptions (IBM Cloud Object Storage)  0     100  
Subscriptions (Kafka)                     0     100

Getting logs for my function

Logs can be helpful to troubleshoot problems when you run functions. You can view function logs from the console.

When you view logs from the console, you must create an IBM Log Analysis instance in the same region as your Code Engine project. You are not required to create this instance before you work with your Code Engine function. Code Engine makes it easy to enable logging for your functions. You can view function logs after you add logging capabilities. For more information, see viewing function logs from the console.

Keep your runtime and CLI versions up to date

Verify that your runtime is supported. See Runtimes.

Verifying the code bundle reference for my function

A code bundle is a collection of files that represents your function code. This code bundle is injected into the runtime container. Your code bundle is created by Code Engine and is stored in container registry or inline with the function. A code bundle is not a Open Container Initiative (OCI) standard container image. ``

When you work with Code Engine functions, you must specify a code bundle reference and a registry secret to access the image. For the function to work correctly, the code bundle reference and its access properties must remain valid for the life of the function.

Because code bundles and images are similar, you can verify your code bundle in the same ways that you verify an image. See How can I verify my image reference?

Additional topics

You can find more help in the following topics.