IBM Cloud Docs
Automatically injected environment variables

Automatically injected environment variables

When you deploy an application or run a job, Code Engine automatically injects certain environment variables into the app or the job.

Automatically injected environment variables for apps

When you deploy an application, Code Engine automatically injects certain environment variables into the app. The following table lists automatically injected environment variables into each instance of your deployed app. The following examples of automatically injected environment variables are based on an app that is named myapp, which references the Code Engine sample image,

The environment variables, CE_APP, CE_DOMAIN, and CE_SUBDOMAIN are used to construct the URL of an application, https://CE_APP.CE_SUBDOMAIN.CE_DOMAIN. For example, if CE_APP=myapp, CE_SUBDOMAIN=01234567-abcd and, your application external URL is The private URL of your application is appName.CE_SUBDOMAIN, or myapp.01234567-abcd.

Automatically injected environment variables when deploying Code Engine apps
Environment variable Description Example
CE_API_BASE_URL The Code Engine API URL that is based on the region of the project. Use this URL for API endpoint calls to the endpoint for all components (including applications) that are located in the same region of your Code Engine project. CE_API_BASE_URL=
CE_APP The name of the application. CE_APP=myapp
CE_DOMAIN The domain name portion of the URL of the application (and project).
CE_REGION The region where the application resides. CE_REGION=us-south
CE_PROJECT_ID The project ID of your project. CE_PROJECT_ID=abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
CE_SUBDOMAIN The subdomain portion of the URL associated with the application (and project). If you are familiar with Kubernetes, CE_SUBDOMAIN maps to the Kubernetes namespace associated with your project. CE_SUBDOMAIN=01234567-abcd
HOME Your home directory that is running the app. HOME=/root
HOSTNAME The name of instance that your app is deployed to. HOSTNAME=myapp-00001-deployment-65684cffd-xng7z
K_CONFIGURATION The name of your app. K_CONFIGURATION=myapp
K_REVISION The name of the current revision of your deployed app. K_REVISION=myapp-00001
K_SERVICE The name of your app. K_SERVICE=myapp
PATH The list of directories in which the system looks for executables. PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
PORT The port that your app listens to receive HTTP requests. PORT=8080
PWD The current working directory. PWD=/

Note that you can override the PORT variable by deploying your app from the console and specifying the Listening port value or by using the CLI and setting the --port option.

Automatically injected environment variables for jobs

When you run a job, Code Engine automatically injects certain environment variables into the job run instance.

The following table lists automatically injected environment variables into each instance of your running job. The following examples of automatically injected environment variables are based on a job that is named myjob, which references the Code Engine sample image,

Automatically injected environment variables when deploying Code Engine jobs
Environment variable Description Example
CE_API_BASE_URL The Code Engine API URL that is based on the region of the project. Use this URL for API endpoint calls to the endpoint for all components (including jobs) that are located in the same region of your Code Engine project. CE_API_BASE_URL=
CE_DOMAIN The domain name of the project.
CE_REGION The region where the job run resides. CE_REGION=us-south
CE_PROJECT_ID The project ID of your project. CE_PROJECT_ID=abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
CE_JOB The name of the defined job configuration that was used for the job run. CE_JOB=myjobdef
CE_JOBRUN The name of the job run. CE_JOBRUN=myjob-jobrun-f5kxz
CE_SUBDOMAIN The subdomain associated with the project in which your job is running. If you are familiar with Kubernetes, CE_SUBDOMAIN maps to the Kubernetes namespace that is associated with your project. CE_SUBDOMAIN=01234567-abcd
HOME Your home directory that is running the job. HOME=/root
HOSTNAME The name of instance that your app is deployed to. HOSTNAME=myjob-jobrun-6bgmg-0-0
JOB_ARRAY_SIZE The number of job instances to run in parallel. The value is specified directly as the job run array size, or computed by counting the specified indices. JOB_ARRAY_SIZE=10
JOB_INDEX The index of a specific job run instance. JOB_INDEX=1
JOB_INDEX_RETRY_COUNT The current retry count of the job instance. JOB_INDEX_RETRY_COUNT=0
JOB_MODE The mode for runs of a job. In task mode, jobs run for a maximum time and failed instances are retried per the job retries limit. In daemon mode, jobs run without a maximum time and failed instances are restarted indefinitely. JOB_MODE=task
JOB_RETRY_LIMIT The configured retry limit of the jobrun. JOB_RETRY_LIMIT=3
PATH The list of directories in which the system looks for executables. PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
PWD The current working directory. PWD=/

Note that each job run instance gets its own index from the array of indices that were specified when the job was created. Code Engine automatically assigns indices starting from 0 to (array size - 1). The JOB_INDEX environment variable contains the index value.

While the job itself doesn't have a URL associated with it, the CE_DOMAIN and CE_SUBDOMAIN values might be useful if you need to reference an application that is running in the same project. The full external URL of this application is appName.CE_SUBDOMAIN.CE_DOMAIN. To reference the private URL of an application, use appName.CE_SUBDOMAIN.

Automatically injected environment variables for functions

When you deploy an function, Code Engine automatically injects certain environment variables into the function. The following table lists automatically injected environment variables into each instance of your deployed function.

The environment variables, CE_FUNCTION, CE_DOMAIN, and CE_SUBDOMAIN are used to construct the URL of a function, https://CE_FUNCTION.CE_SUBDOMAIN.CE_DOMAIN. For example, if CE_FUNCTION=myfunc, CE_SUBDOMAIN=01234567-abcd and, your function external URL is The private URL of your application is CE_FUNCTION.CE_SUBDOMAIN.private.CE_DOMAIN, or

Automatically injected environment variables when deploying Code Engine functions
Environment variable Description Example
CE_API_BASE_URL The private Code Engine API URL that is based on the region of the project. Use this URL for API endpoint calls to the endpoint for all components (including functions) that are located in the same region of your Code Engine project. CE_API_BASE_URL=
CE_ALLOW_CONCURRENT This internal boolean setting is used by the Code Engine function controller to indicate if the runtime supports concurrent invocations of the same function instance, and can be ignored. CE_ALLOW_CONCURRENT=true
CE_DOMAIN The domain name portion of the URL of the function (and project).
CE_REGION The region where the function resides. CE_REGION=us-south
CE_PROJECT_ID The project ID of your project. CE_PROJECT_ID=abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-abcd-1a2b3c4d5e6f
CE_EXECUTION_ENV The managed runtime type and its release version. CE_EXECUTION_ENV=ibm/action-python-v3.11 This example specifies to use Python v3.11.
CE_FUNCTION The name of the function. CE_FUNCTION=myfunc
CE_SUBDOMAIN The subdomain portion of the URL associated with the function (and project). If you are familiar with Kubernetes, CE_SUBDOMAIN maps to the Kubernetes namespace associated with your project. CE_SUBDOMAIN=01234567-abcd
HOME The home directory of the runtime container for the function. HOME=/root
LC_CTYPE The locale that is used by the ctype and multibyte operating system API. Available only with Python runtimes. LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8
PATH The current setting of the PATH variable, which lists the directories in which the system looks for executables. PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
PYTHONIOENCODING The standard encoding that is used by standard input, standard output, and standard error streams. This variable only applies to a Python runtime. PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8
PWD The current working directory. PWD=/