IBM Cloud Docs
Getting started with the Code Engine CLI

Getting started with the Code Engine CLI

You can use the IBM Cloud® Code Engine API to create and manage your Code Engine entities.

Setting up your CLI environment

To work with the CLI to create and manage Code Engine entities, set up your CLI environment. Make sure you have the latest version of the IBM Cloud CLI installed.

Before you begin

You must create an IBM Cloud account.

  1. Download and install the IBM Cloud CLI.

  2. Log in to the IBM Cloud CLI.

    1. Log in to the IBM Cloud CLI.

      ibmcloud login
    2. If you have more than one account, you are prompted to select which account to use. Follow the prompts or use the target command to select your IBM Cloud account.

      ibmcloud target -c <account_id>
    3. Specify a region. Use the target command to target or change regions.

      ibmcloud target -r <region>
    4. Specify a resource group. To get a list of your resource groups, run the following command.

      ibmcloud resource groups

      Example output

      Retrieving all resource groups under account <account_name> as
      Name      ID                                 Default Group   State   
      default   a8a12accd63b437bbd6d58fb8b462ca7   true            ACTIVE
      test      a8a12abbbd63b437cca6d58fb8b462ca7  false           ACTIVE
    5. Target a resource group by running the following command.

      ibmcloud target -g <resource_group>

      Example output

      Targeted resource group default
  3. Install the Code Engine CLI plug-in.

    ibmcloud plugin install code-engine
  4. Verify that the Code Engine CLI plug-in is installed. You can use the ibmcloud plugin show code-engine command or the ibmcloud plugin list command to confirm that the plug-in is installed.

    ibmcloud plugin show code-engine

    Example output

    Plugin Name                              code-engine[ce]
    Plugin Version                           1.31.0
    Plugin SDK Version                       0.9.0
    Minimal IBM Cloud CLI version required   1.0.0
    Private endpoints supported              true
    code-engine,ce                    Manage Code Engine components.
  5. Run the ibmcloud ce help command to view the commands for the Code Engine CLI. For example,

    ibmcloud ce help

Working with the Code Engine CLI

Now that your Code Engine CLI environment is set up, you are ready to work with Code Engine resources, such as applications, functions, or jobs with the CLI.

Before you can work with Code Engine resources, you must work within the context of a project.

A project is a grouping of Code Engine entities such as applications, jobs, and builds. A project is based on a Kubernetes namespace. The name of your project must be unique within your IBM Cloud® resource group, user account, and region. Projects are used to manage resources and provide access to its entities.

A project provides the following items.

  • Provides a unique namespace for entity names.
  • Manages access to project resources (inbound access).
  • Manages access to backing services, registries, and repositories (outbound access).
  • Has an automatically generated certificate for Transport Layer Service (TLS).

For more information about Code Engine projects, see Managing projects.

  1. Create a project with the project create command. Use a project name that is unique to your region.

    ibmcloud ce project create --name PROJECT_NAME 

    Example output

    Creating project 'myproject'...
  2. View details about the project with the project get command.

    ibmcloud ce project get --name PROJECT_NAME

    Example output

    Getting project 'myproject'...
    Name:                       myproject
    ID:                         01234567-abcd-abcd-abcd-abcdabcd1111
    Status:                     active
    Selected:                   true
    Region:                     us-south
    Resource Group:             default
    Service Binding Service ID: ServiceId-1234abcd-abcd-abcd-1111-1a2b3c4d5e6f
    Age:                        52d
    Created:                    Fri, 15 Jan 2021 13:32:30 -0500
    Updated:                    Fri, 15 Jan 2021 13:32:45 -0500
    Category                                  Used      Limit
    App revisions                             1         100
    Apps                                      1         100
    Build runs                                0         100
    Builds                                    0         100
    Configmaps                                2         100
    CPU                                       1.025     64
    Ephemeral storage                         902625Ki  256G
    Instances (active)                        1         250
    Instances (total)                         2         2500
    Job runs                                  1         100
    Jobs                                      1         100
    Memory                                    4400M     256G
    Secrets                                   5         100
    Subscriptions (cron)                      0         100
    Subscriptions (IBM Cloud Object Storage)  0         100

Alternatively, you can use the project list command to display a list of your created projects.

To work with a project with the CLI, the project must be selected as the current context. A project is automatically selected as the current context when it is created, unless you specify the --no-select option. To select a project that is not currently targeted, use the project select command.

For more information about working with projects, see Managing projects.

Next steps

Now that you have setup your CLI environment, and have taken the first steps to ensure that you are working within the context of a Code Engine project, you can use the Code Engine CLI to work with apps, functions, and jobs.

To start working with Code Engine components with the CLI, see the following topics.

For more information about the Code Engine CLI, see the Setting up the CLI environment.

For more information about working in the Code Engine CLI environment, see Code Engine CLI Command Reference documentation.

For a summary of changes for each version of the CLI, see CLI version history. Be sure to keep your CLI up-to-date so that you can use all the available commands and their options.