IBM Cloud Docs
Why don't all my namespaces show in the resource list in Container Registry?

Why don't all my namespaces show in the resource list in Container Registry?

My IBM Cloud® Container Registry namespaces don't all show up in the IBM Cloud Resource list page in the IBM Cloud console.

When you view your namespaces in the IBM Cloud Resource list page, they don't all show up.

Only namespaces that are assigned to resource groupsThe environment, and constraints, in which contained resource instances adhere to. A user can be associated with a resource group to enable collaboration. show in the IBM Cloud Resource list page.

Namespaces created in version 0.1.485 of the Container Registry CLI or later, or in the IBM Cloud console on or after 29 July 2020, are created in the resource group that you specify. If you don't specify a resource group, and a resource group isn't targeted, the default resource group is used.

Namespaces created in version 0.1.484 of the Container Registry CLI or earlier, or in the IBM Cloud console before 29 July 2020, aren't assigned to resource groups.

If you want to see all your namespaces in the IBM Cloud Resource list page, you must assign each namespace to a resource group, see Assigning existing namespaces to resource groups.